Tony Horwitz

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Midnight Rising

Now in Paperback.
Bestselling author Tony Horwitz
tells the electrifying tale of the
daring insurrection that put
America on the path to bloody war
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best books 2011 Library Journal Best Books of 2011 NY Times Notable Book 2011


  • BOOM, an oil-soaked adventure, now available.
  • Midnight Rising wins William Seward Book Award for Excellence in Civil War Biography.
  • Tony Talks Midnight Rising on Radio Times
  • The Harpers Ferry 'Rising' That Hastened Civil War - NPR
  • Tony on the enduring Civil War in the New York Times

"There's a brilliance to this book that put me in mind of Truman Capote's In Cold Blood, only Horwitz's Midnight Rising is set deeper in America's dark past. With stunning, vivid detail, he has captured the sheer drama and tragedy of John Brown and that bloody raid at Harper's Ferry that helped propel America toward civil war."

-Erik Larson, author of The Devil in the White City and In the Garden of Beasts

Boom- an oil-soajed adventure BOOM,
Ebook available now!
Tony's wild trek through the tar
sands of Canada and along the
Keystone XL pipeline route.

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